Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Zine Review! Reviewing: functionally ill: adventures with mental health

Below is the most recent letter we received. Below the letter is the FreeRentCommunity review of the zine.

The FreeRentCommunity takes reviews to the next level.
This zine review for functionally ill: adventures with mental health recieved...
Twitter promotion - Podcast and Online Radio Promotion (found at the very bottom of this post) - Featured in Film #11 of the Art of Having Fun Film Series and Blog promotion.

Retweet this zine review by going to our twitter account and copying and pasting our tweet found by clicking here.

love, peace and empowerment for all,
-The Freeschool Community and the

The below zine features the above cover image by artist Niku Arbabi.


Dear freerent community,

Hi! I am sending you the latest issue of my mental health zine
functionally ill for review--it's issue 6. I will send that to you in
the mail, but the form asks me to email you the info as well, so here
it is. Thanks very much, and good wishes with all you do.



Title: functionally ill: adventures with mental health

Issue: 6

Your name (can be made up): Laura-Marie

Address: 1728 Richmond St #9
Sacramento CA 95825

E-mail address:

price: trade

trades: yes

Free to prisoners? yes

Available in audio versions? no

size: quarter size

Number of pages: 12

Summary of your zine:
I'm diagnosed with bipolar disorder and don't have health insurance.
Functionally ill is about my experiences with mental illness. Issue 6
is a small zine about the logistics of care: losing services, cost of
medication, the quest for refills, and running into a former
psychiatrist at the grocery store.

The Entire Audio Review is Found Below. Thanks.

We are always looking for women's empowerment zines to review.
We will promote your material by our blog, podcast, online radio, Tv show and Film Series (now in it's second season), and much much more! We also promote zine reviews on our Twitter account with over 3,000 followers. Our twitter account currently is #199 on the 'Most Followed' list out of over 3,900 twitter accounts listed in the 'women' category of the We follow International Twitter Directory and we are currrently  #145 on the 'Most Influential' list in the directory's women category.  Let us use our influence to promote your amazing work for a better world!

We review zines, music, art, short Do-It-Yourself DVD videos and most short creative and short artistic material and items which are directly, indirectly or barely related to love and/or feminism and/or especially about women creating a better world through direct action and/or Civil Disobedience.

To print out the form that you need to submit your material please visit

powered by The Freeschool Community and the

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